When did your love of real estate start? In 1997 (yes I know many of you were barely on the planet!)
1.When did your love of real estate start?
In 1997 (yes I know many of you were barely on the planet!) I woke up one day and decided to get into real estate sales! I asked for a job in Yarraville and got it and then thought ‘what made me think I can do this?’ My timing re the market was impeccable albeit not planned and I fell in love with it immediately!
2. What were you doing before real estate?
Prior to real estate I was involved in the health and fitness industry managing fitness centres (a Degree in Human Movement/Applied Science). I was also hands on conducting aerobics classes and let’s just say there were way too many g-string leotards happening back in the 90’s!!
3. Name something we might not know about you?
I was part of a youth world sailing voyage from Mexico to Sydney at the age of 22. It was the 500th year celebration/retracing of Christopher Columbus’ circumnavigation. I was three months at sea across the Pacific Ocean – a once in a lifetime, incredible experience!
4. What’s your favourite recipe?
Oohh…hard to choose…possibly ricotta gnocchi – Adrian’s mums recipe. She taught me how to make it and it is so therapeutic! Great served up to family and friends with a fresh napoli or bolognaise sauce! 1kg of ricotta (moisture removed), 2 cups plain 00 flour, 2 cups finely grated parmesan – all mixed together, rolled, cut and flicked accordingly (lots of excess flour required to reduce sticking!)
5. What do you love the most in your home?
I’m a Virgo so in my home I love everything neat, clean and in it’s place! What I do love is artwork from places we’ve travelled whether it be overseas or more local.
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years I will have a 21, 17 and 15 year old in my midst! I hope to be running off my feet getting them to all their sporting activities, schools and social events! Compton Green will be blitzing it and lots of travel will be on the agenda!
7. How do you start your day?
Sneezing, exercising or admittedly Florence is the best little snuggler in the world and so if I get a few moments with her prior to jumping up for a coffee, life is pretty amazing!
8. Favourite type of architecture?
9. How would your closest family and friends describe you?
Diplomatic, emotional, sometimes the black sheep and always appreciative of good humour!
10. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say?
Do something which scares you every day!