• March 27, 2014

Ten Questions with Joseph Luppino

1. When did your love of real estate start? When I was 10-years-old, my mother opened up a real estate office and so I started young!

2. What were you doing before real estate? Before real estate, I was a National Operations Manager in the renewable energy department.

3. Name one thing we might not know about you? I backpacked around the world for five months.

4. What’s your favourite recipe? Honey joys.

5.  What do you love the most in your home? My sleek open plan kitchen which features an eye catching wall with a velvet pattern.

6.  Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully married with kids and I would love to open my own agency one day.

7.  How do you start your day? The first thing I do to kick start my day is put the percolator on. I then iron my shirt, drink my coffee, take my lab Audrey for a walk and then I make breakfast which is usually a smoothie with rolled oats, mixed berries and orange juice.

8. Favourite type of architecture? I love the charisma of California Bungalows especially the wide front porch which forms a cozy hangout. I also love the beauty of stained glass windows.

9. How would your closest family and friends describe you? Crazy, energetic, spontaneous, dramatic and an entertaining story teller.

10. If someone asked you to give them a random piece of advice, what would you say? Travel as young as you possibly can and go on a trip of a lifetime.

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